Antonio Escohotado philosopher, inside the interview ¿Quién decide la verdad? said that the addition of the realities is closer to the undeniable truth, in case that exists. In that way, the different perspectives implicate other points of view. Thus, it is a better opportunity to suggest again or modify the meaning of the words. Depending on the epistemological platform, are selected words and their definition included in their specific glossary or lexicon. In many cases, their modification depends on the cultural context, as an example is a word: butterfly. For the ancestors, it was a metaphor that refers to the sun because when the moon comes, the butterflies go to the holes considering those were the portal to the underworld (the site where the sun resides overnight). Consequently, they believed that both had a strong connection. It's surprising how we can bring those concepts using textile items.
Inside the flipbook, I want to capture that. First, you can see how the woman senses the world, and then her perception is transformed with the butterfly perspective, creating a new magic environment. Another detail is in her húipil: it is adorned with traditional items from Chiapas. The butterfly perspective appears inside the gif after the metamorphosis between the girl and the pupa inside the cave, and you can appreciate the underworld, inspired by the Tlalocan mural. Why the Tlalocan mural? Because I consider that is necessary stand out its curious items. Inside that, the people have the same size that nature elements. Likewise, they believed equal such as other living organisms. In fact, they didn't have an anthropocentric vision.